- Windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free

- Windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free

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- Windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free


I'm assuming I'm probably out windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free most options but figured it was worth posting about. My old Win7 desktop the other week started only booting to a plain, black screen with the mouse cursor visible and movablebut nothing else. I've also tried bootmgr. Ctrl-alt-del does nothing, nor /41399.txt any other keyboard command I've tried.

At this point do I have many options left, or should I just see if I can rescue whatever files I may want off the thing and call it a day? It's probably about 6 years old, which I wouldn't think should be at failure levels of old yet, but who knows. I had a SSD completely bug out on me, to the point all data was irretrievable. Chkdsk took an infinite amount of time, to where it was not going to complete. There is a chance the SSD is gone, if it was mine I'd pull the SSD, see if I could retrieve any data not holding scrfen hope if it is curskr and put in screem new SSD and fresh copy of Windows 10 or 7 if that is needed for some specific feee.

No real reason to stick with Win7 for this desktop, in fact I was already thinking about doing an in-place upgrade to Win10 anyway but failure may have pushed the issue. Well you hlack try to hit F5 or F8 or both at same time to try to get to the boot options page Else boot to safe mode, copy all your stuff out and prepare to nuke the machine for a fresh re-install after you do a full hardware diagnostic.

I would not give up yet. Certainly, boot the PC up with Linux and pull any files you want to keep of it since they are what is important. Sometimes Windows disk checking doesn't work so well and then you can use ntfsfix in Linux to correct matters to the point that Windows can finish of the work. Windows 7 black screen with the mouse has nothing to do with bootmgr or fixmbr since by the time you do see a mouse cursor all the boot process is already finished. Check that c: drive is where your windows folder is.

From there try to start explorer and see if that works. I will give your suggestion a try though and we'll see if chkdsk actually finished or just hangs up again like it's done several times in a row now. I did try 'Last known good config' previously but noot ended in the same place If I try to boot to Safe Mode from F8, or any variation of Safe Mode with networking, with command promptI'll still only get the black screen. The only way I've been able to get to a useable command prompt is by windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free from the Win7 rescue disk I have.

Are you able to boot into safe mode? I just recently had an SSD fail less than a month after installing it. The warranty replacement failed after only a windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free days.

Just installed the replacement for the replacement last Friday, hoping this one lasts. Nope, I can only get to a command prompt by booting from the rescue disk. Have you tried running Supaplex's commands from the rescue disk command prompt?

It replaces sethc, which is the sticky keys pop-up, with command prompt. That way once it's done you can open a prompt at any time by pressing shift x5.

After you have a prompt in the regular install, you could always try manually starting explorer. If you're booting into Linux, you can copy cmd to sethc as well. Just anyway you can change the file system. This issue is on many Windows OS. The жмите сюда screen of death this happens wiindows you have some system file corruption. Honestly you are better off just slaving the drive an pulling data off from it.

I would stop messing with the drive before you really mess up any data on there that is important to you. Certainly sounds like explorer isn't running. From there I can end task explorer. This then kicks it into life and loads the desktop, taskbar, etc. If you have the mouse cursor I think Windows has booted, just explorer isn't running correctly. Obviously not helpful if the shortcut doesn't work, but an idea none the less.

I find its just not worth the windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free if you have already given it the good college try. The installer may detect your currently installed operating system and offer you the option to keep all the data but not the applications intact. If that is a sceen option for you, I would definitely proceed this way instead of messing with the dead.

I think you are a Windows person. The only way I seem to be able to truly interact with the computer is to boot from the rescue disk, at which point my C: drive is actually considered the D: drive where Windows is located. I'm just trying to understand what noy or isn't actually happening here. I really appreciate all the feedback and great advice guys!!! So not mirrored, but side-by-side. Aside from this, no difference and no keystrokes matter aside from the sticky keys.

The guide works with frer any Windows ISO. The nice thing about this particular guide is that it does not require any 3rd party software MCT, Rufus, etc. Have you tried replacing the sticky keys with CMD. If not, why? I attempted to run explorer. I'd have to do it again to see what the actual error message is. I'll try the sticky-key substitution just for fun though to see if it makes any difference. I used multiple iterations of "chkdsk", many of them freezing but several completing windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free no difference in boot 10 pro vs pro n vs free. I tried to start Explorer manually, no joy.

I think I'm going to give up, buy an external adapter and harvest anything I think I truly need from the drive before starting over again with a fresh Win7 installation that I will then quick upgrade to Win10 I suppose.

Such operation is considered "data safe" and will also fix your boot issue. Curwor have a Win7 Upgrade Product Key that I used previously to do the installation of my current drive, but I can't seem to get it 'accepted' as a valid key now that I'm try to install a fresh Win7 to the new drive. Windows server standard x64 iso free wizard should automatically ftee the current operating system and ask you whether you booging to keep applications and data.

If I remember it correctly, it should not ask about the product key. Oh right, that, I thought you had something new for me - the suggestion windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free work because the Win7 installation routine quickly throws an error saying that it doesn't recognize any connected drives or ссылка на подробности to that effect.

Which most probably means you need a driver for your storage controller. What is your laptop vendor and model? Alternatively, you can install Windows 10 also mentioned already.

It should detect your drives and previous operating system and offer an option to keep your data and applications if you are lucky. It isn't a продолжение здесь, it's a desktop that I built myself. The hard drive is a Blak MX I would be fine attempting to install Win10 over top of the existing Win7, I just can't get it to a point Have you tried creating a bootable Windows 10 USB as I already suggested above and using it to start your machine and initiate the OS upgrade?

Did that work? As I suspected, your motherboard runs a SATA controller by Marvell, which is most probably not included in the standard Windows 7 installation image.

The bootable Win10 USB trick did not страница the attempt to install does indeed detect the Win7 installation, but then tells me in order to continue I need to reboot into Win7 and run the setup from there. When I boot into my limited Win7 OS, get into the Command Prompt and bootimg running windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free setup for the Нажмите сюда that way it throws another error telling me I need to boot into Win7, so I windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free suck with windows 7 not booting black screen with cursor free option.

For the Controller, when the Setup routine throws the error message "Windows could not retrieve information about the disks on this computer"the only option it gives me to hit 'Ok'; there is no way to redirect it to where I have downloaded and unzipped the Hooting drivers.

I had a similar case to this recently and cloning to another good drive fixed the problem after a few interrupted reboots even though the existing drive was good. Just want to put my 2 cents in to see if it can help you out and thought since you weren't able to get it going. I appreciate the input and in fact I have since purchased a brand new Samsung SSD 2TB instead of just 1TB, which the 'bad' drive is and I'm going to attempt exactly what you say - clone the 'bad' drive to the new 'good' drive and see if that helps.

Sccreen me luck! Do not expect to get a working system right away after cloning, but hopefully, it will be easier to repair when possible HDD problems are thrown out of the equation. Good luck on that one, and keep us posted. I can also of course still boot from my Win7.

DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem". Of course explorerframe. Make sure that "explorerframe. That doesn't look good so far. Try running "net start trustedinstaller" before SFC just in case it is not some sort of corruption, and the service is stopped for whatever reason.

In general, since you have two copies of your data now, I would recommend you install fresh. Trying to revive that zombied Windows 7 already took too much time, to be honest. Login or sign up to reply to this topic. Didn't find what you were looking for? Search the forums for similar questions or check out the Windows 7 forum.

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[Fixed] Windows 7 black screen with cursor | Quickly & Easily - Driver Easy

    Jun 08,  · Step 1: Press and Hold the "Ctrl + Alt +Delete" to launch the Task Manager. Step 2: click on the "Processes" tab and the find "". Step 3: Right click on all selected processes and then click on "End Process". Step 4: Now click on . Oct 25,  · The "black screen with cursor" issue can be caused by either software or hardware reasons. On the hardware side, a failing HDD is the most common cause (in my personal experience). So i would start with diagnosing the HDD using "Seagate Seatool" before stat looking for software issues. 1 or 7 delayed boot up issue is characterized by black screen with a mouse cursor during the boot process, where in users are reportedly forced to wait up to a minute on the Don't be afraid: is a long command [Edit - to describe the issue in more detail, the PC appears to boot correctly, but instead of the logon screen, I have been getting a black screen WITH the pointer cursor, .


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